eCommerce Planning
Development of a web shop solution for books
Example Use Case: Click & Experience Magic
Implementing SaaS planning & vision
SaaS solution for AI-supported automation of HR
Physical product & innovation
Production of a new type of electric car with self-charging function based on magnetic drive
Workshop conception & training series
I am planning a workshop series on the topic of AI for single parents, parents and teachers
Education Tech solution
I want to develop a digital solution that supports me in learning languages with gamification and a kind of battle pass
Fin-Tech solution
A platform for insurance brokers, for AI-supported automation of new customer acquisition and their contract administration
New social network
Social media platform, with legitimation process during registration
Business appointment & meetings
We have a spontaneous sales audit meeting tomorrow that needs to be prepared
Stop time-consuming planning, thinking, prompting! Start directly with the realization of your dream, your vision, your business!
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